Bruxism and snoring, how it affects you and what solutions there are

If you snore and suffer from bruxism, your nights can be very bad

Bruxism is a physical condition in which a person involuntarily clenches or grinds their teeth, usually during sleep. This habit can hurt your mouth, as it can wear down your teeth, cause jaw pain, gum problems, and other dental problems.

Bruxism and snoring may be related

Although so far there are no firm studies that support a direct relationship between people who snore and at the same time suffer from bruxism, there are studies that detail a higher percentage of people who snore among those who suffer from this problem in the mouth. .

How can Bruxism cause snoring?

Although a direct relationship has not been proven, bruxism can tighten the muscles of the jaw and throat, which can narrow the airways and lead to snoring. Furthermore, if the condition is chronic it can lead to the development of sleep apnea.

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How to solve the problem of bruxism and snoring?

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Your dentist may recommend using a dental splint to protect your teeth from wear and tear caused by bruxism. This splint can also help properly align the jaw and open the airways, thereby reducing snoring.

In addition to this, some exercises and therapies can help relax the jaw muscles and thus reduce mouth problems along with snoring, while helping you relax for sleep.

You solve the problem of bruxism but you still snore, what to do?

Although these two ailments may be related, it is more than possible that snoring is caused by other causes, which can range from sinusitis to a postural problem, or any physical problem that obstructs the airways.

The most common solutions to snoring without bruxism

If you have already tried the anti-snoring mouthpiece and they have helped you with Bruxism but you still snore, these are the most common remedies and advice.

  • Use simultaneously clips anti-snoring nasal sprays along with dental splints.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption, as they can worsen snoring.
  • Try sleeping on your side instead of on your back, as this position can help keep your airways more open. There are anti-snoring pillow that can help you.
  • Try to maintain a regular sleep routine and make sure you get enough rest.

Your health comes first, if you snore or suffer from bruxism, go to the doctor

Remember that it is important to seek the help of professionals to treat both bruxism and snoring. Do not ignore any of these problems, as they can seriously affect your health.