Snoring in children. When does it start to be a problem?

If your child snores, don’t hesitate, take him to the pediatrician

Most children snore at some point throughout their childhood. There are different reasons why a child starts snoring and they can be caused by ailments of greater or lesser severity. It can be a temporary, postural or permanent problem. Whatever the origin, if a child snores it is advisable to look for the problem and solve it.

What are the main reasons why children start snoring?

In most cases, small alterations in the respiratory tract can give way to snoring in the little ones. Most are due to mild causes, but in some cases the problem may have some type of more serious illness. would be in the background. The most common causes are usually:

  • Allergies and nasal congestion. In these cases, excess mucus is produced that causes the child to breathe through the mouth instead of the nose and thus snoring begins.
  • Respiratory infections, such as colds, flu or COVID, can cause inflammation in the upper airways, making it difficult to breathe and increase snoring.
  • Enlarged tonsils and adenoids are a common cause of snoring in children, as they can block the airways and partially make it difficult to breathe normally during sleep
  • Overweight, which unfortunately is increasingly common in children, can contribute to snoring, since excess fat around the neck can put pressure on the airways
  • Exposure to pollutants, such as tobacco smoke, areas with car exhaust, excess dust, etc. Children’s breathing is more sensitive to these external agents.
  • There are other factors that can cause sleep apnea in children, and it is advisable to consult a pediatrician in any of these cases.

When should you start worrying if your child snores?

Snoring in kids, review and opinions
When a child starts snoring, something is wrong with their respiratory system. If he has a cold, allergies or has been infected with a respiratory virus such as the flu, as soon as he overcomes the disease process, the snoring disappears.

In addition to this, if snoring persists, or appears when the child does not show any other symptoms, it is advisable to go to a pediatrician as soon as possible or obtain medical advice.

How to solve sleep apnea problems in children?

While snoring may be normal in some cases, there are situations in which you should pay attention and seek medical help, always pay attention to these signs:

  • The snoring is very loud and constant.
  • Your child has difficulty breathing during sleep.
  • There are pauses in breathing during sleep.
  • Your child becomes short of breath or wakes up frequently during the night.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it is recommended that you consult a doctor to evaluate the situation and receive appropriate treatment. If you have mild symptoms, you can start with these habits:

  • Maintain a clean, allergen-free environment in your child’s bedroom and the rest of the house. Regularly clean dust and avoid using harsh chemicals.
  • Make sure the child sleeps in an appropriate position. It is recommended that he sleep on his side instead of on his back.
  • Help your child maintain a healthy weight. Promotes a balanced diet and regular exercise.
  • Keep your child away from places with excessive smoke. And don’t smoke around the child, in fact, don’t smoke, here you can see more about smoking and snoring.
  • If you think your child is snoring due to some type of allergy, consult a specialist to perform the necessary tests and determine the appropriate treatment.
  • In cases of enlarged tonsils and adenoids, medical intervention, such as surgery, may be required to fix it. Consult a specialist for more information.

Conclusions on the possible causes and effects of snoring in children

Snoring in little ones can have various causes, from allergies to major problems such as tonsils or vegetations. If your child snores, pay attention and take him to the doctor if you have any questions. Your child’s health comes first.