Snoring during pregnancy, learn how to prevent it

Are you pregnant and snoring? It is something very common and is solved in 99.9% of cases

First of all, congratulations! If you are expecting a baby let us share your joy. If you are reading this article, it is possible that one of the changes in your body during pregnancy is snoring. Don’t worry, snoring is common during this stage and there are ways to manage it. Let’s see why they happen and what you can do about it.

Why do you snore during pregnancy and even for some time afterward?

Snoring during pregnancy is mainly caused by the hormonal and physical changes that your body experiences. During pregnancy, weight gain and a growing uterus can put pressure on your lungs and airways, making it difficult to breathe normally while you sleep. Additionally, pregnancy hormones can cause the tissues in the nose and throat to swell, further narrowing the airways and causing snoring.

Remember that all the devices and tips we show to stop snoring are usually effective in more than 99.9% of people, but you should always consult a doctor if you have this problem.

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How can you reduce and even eliminate snoring during pregnancy?

Although snoring may be normal at this stage of your life, there are non-invasive methods that, in addition to helping you breathe correctly, will allow you to rest and have a better quality of sleep. These are the most common:

Maintain good posture when sleeping

Try sleeping on your side instead of on your back. Sleeping on your side helps keep your airways open and makes breathing easier. You can use additional pillows to support your body and even special pillows that are placed between your knees to prevent back pain, thus preventing you from shifting towards the back position while sleeping.

clips to stop snoring, review and opinions
Using clamps to stop snoring for pregnant women is usually the most effective and recommended solution, since in addition to eliminating snoring, it helps the body receive more oxygen when sleeping, avoiding fatigue and other health problems.

In addition to this, cervical pillows and knee pillows, which allow you to sleep on your side, facilitate a more comfortable position that relieves back pain, especially in the more advanced stages of pregnancy.

Avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption (even if you don’t snore, in case you’re not sure)

Alcohol and tobacco consumption can worsen snoring, and is also harmful to the future baby and even your health. These substances relax the muscles in the throat and can further block the airways. Avoid its consumption to reduce snoring during pregnancy.

Maintain a healthy weight, but don’t become obsessed

Controlling weight gain during pregnancy can help reduce snoring and many other problems such as swollen feet, back pain, etc. Talk to your doctor about how much weight is healthy for you and eat a balanced, low-fat diet to maintain a healthy weight.

Practice breathing exercises, they will help you during childbirth

Performing deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques before bed can help open your airways and reduce snoring. Consult your doctor or a respiratory specialist to learn more about the exercises that are right for you.

Use nasal strips or nasal dilators:

These devices can help keep the nasal passages open and facilitate breathing during the night, and they are also the most used since they are harmless to the state of pregnancy. Check with your doctor before using them to make sure they are safe for you and your baby.

When should you consult a doctor if you snore during pregnancy

If your snoring is very loud, disrupts your sleep, or if you experience other symptoms such as excessive daytime sleepiness, difficulty breathing, or frequent headaches, it is important to consult your doctor. These symptoms could be indicative of a more serious sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea, that requires medical attention.

There are different devices that can help you stop snoring

If you snore while pregnant, your solution may be comfortable and improve your quality of sleep. Consult your doctor before trying the anti-snoring mouthpieces or the nasal clips when it is a non-postural problem and the anti-snoring wristbands in addition to pillows to prevent snoring because in many cases the problem may be postural.

Other most popular anti-snoring devices

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Buy anti-snoring nose clip, reviews and opinions

Weekly inquiries 2.395Buy an anti-snoring wristband
Buy anti-snoring pillow, reviews and opinions

Weekly inquiries 2.122Buy an anti-snoring wristband

Remember that snoring is common during pregnancy and, in most cases, does not represent a serious problem. However, if they concern you or affect your quality of life, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor to find the best solution for you and your baby.

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