How to know if you snore? This test can help you

With this simple test you can get an idea of ​​whether you snore at night

The Epworth Sleepiness Scale is a test that was created to evaluate whether a person is excessively sleepy during the day. This allows problems to be detected during the night-time rest cycle and thus any sleep disorder such as one of the most common, which is sleep apnea.

How to perform the Epworth sleepiness test

The process is very simple. You only have to answer the questionnaire that you will see below and the score for the quality of your sleep will appear reflected in the results. Don’t forget the following:

  • Answer honestly. Answering incorrectly is like cheating at solitaire.
  • Don’t be alarmed by the results, they are indicative.
  • Take into account your general state of sleepiness, do not answer based on a specific day.

This is the questionnaire you must fill out:

How to interpret the Epworth sleepiness test

The data is very easy to interpret, and although the original studies give a very biased scale with two possible results, below we have added a more flexible reinterpretation of it.

  • Less than 8 points: Normal sleep and without alterations.
  • Between 9 and 12 points: Mild sleep disturbances. Possible occasional episodes of insomnia, mild snoring or even a bad sleeping space,
  • More than 12 points and less than 16: More serious problems in the nighttime sleep cycle. Disorders such as sleep apnea, more pronounced insomnia or physical problems with rest.
  • 16 or more points: Severe sleep disorders. It is advisable that you see a specialist.

What should I do if the test score indicates that my sleep is not normal?

If the test score reflects results above 8, it is possible that you snore. Before jumping to conclusions, it is advisable to analyze other possible factors that may affect the quality of your sleep, such as the following:

  • Excessive stress: If you suffer from nervousness or are in a stressful situation, you may sleep little and poorly, and this can make you sleepy during the day.
  • Physical problems: From a contracture in the neck or back to muscular pain, arthritis or even toothaches. If you have pain, you will sleep worse for sure.
  • Bad sleeping environment: Yes, an old mattress, a bad pillow or a difficult bed partner can make our rest less than ideal.
  • Bad diet: Eating a very heavy dinner, taking too many stimulants such as caffeine or alcohol continuously before night also greatly affect the quality of our sleep.

If the above cases are not yours, I regret to tell you that it is possible that you have some sleep apnea problem or that you simply snore to a greater or lesser extent.

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How to definitely make sure if you snore after taking the test?

There are applications to detect if you snore that can help you give definitive confirmation. You can also record yourself while you sleep or ask someone to help you check it. If you are sure, you only need to find the source of those snores and take action.

On the other hand, if you do not snore and your case is not any of the above despite having obtained a high score in the test, you may be suffering from other types of sleep disorders or even narcolepsy. For this reason, it is always better to put yourself in the hands of a specialist.